
The Altogether Better Charter is a document that describes what young people expect from the services that support them with their mental health. The Charter sets out seven principles for services to follow, in order to make sure they respect and listen to young people.   

The Charter was created by young people with support from a national charity called Youth Access. Youth Access’ aim is to fight for more services in every area so that all young people have a place to go when they need help. We also think that services should be young personfriendly – which is what the Charter is there to help with!   

We wanted a way to show that the services who had signed up to the Charter were actually doing what they had agreed to. So, we worked with young people to come up with a simple way to rate services against the Charter’s principles – that’s what this site is for!  

The feedback collected here is completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to you. Workers at Youth Access and this service will use your feedback to see where the service is doing well, and where it can improve. It’s not about naming and shaming the service – instead, your feedback will help it to work with the young people it supports to provide the best help that it can.   

This site will not be able to resolve any complaints or issues that you personally have with the service. Please use the service’s complaints procedure for that.